Fuel Assistance Program

New Hampshire’s long, cold, and unpredictable winters can be challenging when it comes to expenses like home heating. The state’s Fuel Assistance Program exists to make paying for home heating oil more manageable for those who qualify. Read on to learn more about Fuel Assistance opportunities in New Hampshire, which New Hampshire residents qualify, and how Fuel Assistance helps New Hampshire homeowners make heating oil bills more manageable.

What is fuel assistance?

A resource for lower-income households to reduce home heating costs, the NH Fuel Assistance Program is a division of the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

What are the potential savings?

A homeowner may be able to cut fuel costs by $75 to $1,125, depending on household income and energy costs. The average benefit is $658 which is a significant sum for yearly fuel oil consumption.

How can I learn more or apply?

Visit the Fuel Assistance Program’s website at https://www.energy.nh.gov/consumers/help-energy-and-utility-bills/fuel-assistance-program.

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