Lower-Emission Heating that Can Be Convenient & Affordable

By Joseph Sculley, Energy Marketers Association of New Hampshire
During my time in the energy industry, I’ve interacted with hundreds of homeowners and have heard firsthand their thoughts on efficient home heating. Most people want to have efficient home heat and lessen their emissions and are interested in finding a method that’s simple, affordable, and convenient enough to work into their daily routine. Fortunately, there’s a way that New Hampshire homeowners can reduce emissions without having to sacrifice money, time, or convenience: ultra-low sulfur heating oil. Allow me to share a little bit about this fuel innovation.

Ultra-low sulfur heating oil is a lower-emission version of traditional oil that burns cleaner, produces less emissions, and is easier on heating equipment. Local New Hampshire fuel companies have been delivering ultra-low sulfur heating oil for some time now, as it can be used seamlessly in existing oil tanks and heating equipment. This means that homes already heated with oil are currently enjoying ultra-low sulfur heating oil benefits without needing system modifications.

Removing Roadblocks to Lower-Emission Fueling

Ultra-low sulfur heating oil being compatible with traditional equipment flattens the roadblocks that many New Hampshire homeowners face. Because homeowners can use existing equipment and ultra-low sulfur fuel is competitively priced, there’s no reason not to use it. Ultra-low sulfur heating oil is not only compatible with current equipment, but it can be used in new high-efficiency systems, too. You don’t have to adjust any part of your life, budget, or routine to implement it and significantly reduce emissions.

Additionally, ultra-low sulfur heating fuel promotes sludge-free operation of your heating oil furnace or boiler. The Brookhaven National Laboratory has found that a cleaner burn causes less buildup, resulting in less service calls from your HVAC technician. Many homeowners experience upwards of 24 months between burner cleanings, resulting in recurring cost savings on service calls each year. Cleaner operation can even increase the lifespan of your current heating equipment and make new installations last longer.

The New Hampshire oil industry is taking strides to provide a lower-emission fuel that’s a reliable and affordable source of energy to use in the equipment you already have. Ultra-low sulfur heating fuel offers an accessible and affordable way for New Hampshire residents with oil-heated properties to contribute to a sustainable future with diverse energy options.

CleanOilHeatNH.com is a helpful resource that offers extensive information about the quality, cost savings, and environmental benefits associated with ultra-low sulfur heating fuel.