Oil Heat: Putting the “Win” Back in “Winter”

Compared to the 2014-2015 heating season, this winter has been a cinch for New Hampshire residents. Relatively mild temperatures and just a fraction of last winter’s precipitation have made this season a more enjoyable one for many of us. But it’s homeowners heating with oil who are benefiting most of all.

In early fall, we mentioned that things were looking up for oil heat consumers as fuel prices were going down across the country. Since then, the cost of oil has continued to drop, with the price per gallon now averaging 50% less than it was two winters ago.

Millions of homeowners in the Northeast have been able to take advantage of low fuel prices paired with less extreme weather than recent winters, saving money while staying warm safely. More families have been able to keep their oil tanks full and their homes comfortable without the financial burden. With oil prices so low and supply plentiful through local dealers, fewer property owners are feeling compelled to switch energy sources, doing away with unnecessary conversion expenses.

While there’s still a month until spring officially begins, we’re glad that heating oil has continued to be a top energy choice for homeowners throughout the state this winter, and we look forward to fuel prices remaining affordable for NH residents in the 2016-2017 season.