Frequently Asked Questions about Heating Fuel in New Hampshire

Clean Oil Heat NH is your one-stop shop for all the information you need to know about heating oil and ultra-low sulfur heating oil in New Hampshire. Read this blog post to learn our top-asked heating fuel FAQ answers from local energy experts in your state.

Top Heating Fuel Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is ultra-low sulfur heating oil?

A: Ultra-low sulfur (ULS) heating oil is a heating fuel option for oil heat consumers with a lower sulfur content than traditional heating oil. Ultra-low sulfur heating oil has a sulfur content of 15 ppm (parts per million) compared to traditional heating oil’s 4,000 ppm[1]. Researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory have found that ULS heating oil significantly reduces emissions and improves heating system performance[2]. ULS heating oil is compatible with current heating oil equipment.

Q: How does ultra-low sulfur heating oil impact the environment and our community?

A: Ultra-low sulfur heating fuel is making a positive impact on our community! The fuel produces significantly less sulfur dioxide and carbon emissions than traditional oil, and the industry supports tens of thousands of jobs across the country.

Q: Is home heating oil/ultra-low sulfur fuel safe?

A: Yes, this fuel is a safe and nonexplosive fuel source. It is fire-resistant because of its high flash point of 140 degrees Fahrenheit. It also produces visible warning signs like smoke if a heating system malfunction were to occur, meaning you can benefit from home security.

Q: How can I monitor my home heating fuel levels?

A: The simplest way is to read your oil tank gauge. You should order a refill when your home heating oil tank gauge reaches ¼ capacity. Many New Hampshire heating oil delivery providers offer automatic delivery, which uses temperature technology or tank monitors to predict when your tank gets low and deliver fuel automatically.

Q: How do I read an oil tank gauge?

A: Read a tank gauge just like your car’s gas gauge: Full, ¾, ½, ¼, and Empty. You can find the small circular glass or plastic gauge on the top or side of your oil tank. Be sure to check it frequently and place an oil order before the bottom of your gauge reaches the 1/4th marker (or sign up for auto delivery).

Q: How does the weather affect heating oil usage?

A: The colder the temperatures are, the more heating oil a furnace or boiler will need to provide warmth. During the dead of a frigid New Hampshire winter, you will go through oil more quickly than the summer, spring or fall. Other factors can affect heating oil usage too, such as personal heating preference, home size, and furnace or boiler efficiency—that’s why it’s so important to frequently check your oil tank gauge or sign up for automatic oil delivery.

Q: How much does heating oil cost?

A: The price varies by location, supply, and demand, but you can get in touch with your New Hampshire fuel provider to request their daily fuel price. Many providers offer budget plans and flexible payment options to alleviate the burden of winter heating costs and statewide fuel assistance programs are also available.

Have More Questions? Contact Us

Knowledge is power, and we want to help you get the answers you’re looking for. Get in touch with us or ask your fuel delivery provider—whichever is more convenient. New Hampshire has a variety of resources available to help you understand your fuel choice and the daily advancements being made within the industry.


