How to Prep for a Winter Storm in NH

In New Hampshire, winter storms can be dangerous and inconvenient during the cold season. With wind, ice, and snow, there are many hazards to keep an eye out for and ways to prepare so that you and your family stay safe and warm. After all, when a storm is in the forecast, making the right preparations is key to avoiding dangerous situations. Keep reading to learn the most important preparations you should check off your to-do list when there is a winter storm on the way.

5 Storm Preparations to Make in New Hampshire

Order Oil:

When temperatures drop ultra-low because of a winter storm, you’ll burn more fuel to keep your home warm. Always order oil early before a storm. Running out of fuel during a storm is a hazardous situation. Because of the storm, your delivery provider may not be able to get fuel to you. Avoid any risk of a no-heat situation, and always order oil early before a storm.

Shovel a Path:

Shovel a path to your fill pipe or tank to make it easy to get your fuel. Shoveling walking paths around your home and yard makes it easier for everyone to get around without getting hurt.

Related Post: Winter Energy Saving Tips for NH Residents

Salt & Sand Your Paths:

Even when you shovel, water will freeze and leave a trail of dangerous ice. Slipping on ice can cause serious injuries. Salt and sand your walkways, paths, and driveway to decrease the chance of an accident.

Keep an Eye on the Forecast:

When a storm is looming, keep an eye on the forecast, so you’re aware of when it will hit your area, how long it’s projected to last, the temperature, etc. Knowing what to expect will help keep you and your family safe.

Plan Drives Accordingly:

If you must go out during the storm, plan your drives accordingly. Try not to drive at night or during snowstorms. Always completely remove the ice from your windshield and the top of your car.

Related Post: How to Avoid Scary Heating Situations in New Hampshire This Winter

Order Heating Oil from Local Fuel Suppliers in NH

We hope these tips will help you stay safe through the winter. When it’s time to order heating oil, don’t forget to call your provider.